XFinity TV: Do your parents have Com- cast cable at home? Do they have XFinity? Do you have that elusive home email ad- dress that's written on a sticky somewhere in your mom's den? Congratulations, you’ve got access to everything your parents do on their TVs, including HBO if they have it. Which means you don’t have to hunt for HBO GO passwords.

Price: who cares your parents are already paying/month

Hulu Plus:

Price: $7.99/month




Netflix Streaming: You know the deal. Watch whatever Netflix has a contract to let you watch; they’ve got everything from straight–to–DVD C movies about British girls working for rich families at their ski lodge (sup “Chalet Girl”) to Woody Allen’s “Manhattan.” Plus they just added “Mean Girls” and all eight seasons of “House.” Yeah you read that right, “Mean Girls.” Sign up now before OITNB comes back.

Price: $7.99/month for streaming.


 Penn Video Network: This shit is FREE if you’re connected to wifi via the ever reliable AirPennNet. The cycle of mov- ies is always changing, but you can usually find recent hits like “The Best Man Holi- day” and “White House Down,” plus old- ies like “Midnight Cowboy.” You can also usually find the documentaries from Litty Paxton’s COMM 123 class if you’re looking for something beyond Netflix’s “Blackfish.”

Price: Free...if you pay tuition.