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John Matley


FILM BRIEFS: Greenfingers

I'm starting to think my mom would enjoy prison, as long as she gets sentenced to the country-club haven featured in Greenfingers.

Better than McDonald's

Summer is here, and everyone is tired of the eating at the worst McDonald's in the continental 48 states.

BOOKS: When the History Channel just isn't enough

If the Fourth of July celebrations didn't stir enough patriotism in each of us, Jeff Shaara's new American history chronicle brings alive the years leading up to the Revolution. Rise to Rebellion vividly portrays the years between the Boston Massacre and the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1770 to 1776 for you history buffs), and examines momentous events such as the Boston Tea Party, Battle of Lexington and Concord, and formation of the Continental Congress in between. Instead of reciting historical events as a lecturer, Shaara revives each occasion through the eyes of those who witnessed the events.

MOVIES: Kiss of the Dragon

I'd like to announce that America has the ability to fuck up every movie ever imported because Hollywood execs suck.

MOVIES: One more time

Eddie Murphy made a movie and it did well in the box office, so he had to make a sequel. In addition to his previous multiple version films 48 Hours, Beverly Hills Cop, and The Nutty Professor (not to mention "Raw" and "Delirious", quite possibly the best stand up acts... ever) Murphy has completed the double with his newest film Dr. Dolittle 2.

MOVIES: One more time

Eddie Murphy made a movie and it did well in the box office, so he had to make a sequel. In addition to his previous multiple version films 48 Hours, Beverly Hills Cop, and The Nutty Professor (not to mention "Raw" and "Delirious", quite possibly the best stand up acts... ever) Murphy has completed the double with his newest film Dr. Dolittle 2.

MOVIES: Guns and breasts

TOMB RAIDER * * (two stars) Directed by: Simon West Starring: Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight Rated: PG-13

MOVIES: Armageddon Part Deux

Pearl Harbor * * * (three stars) The sappy love story forgiven, Pearl Harbor excels in offsetting periods of intensity with tranquility, seriousness with humor, and war with love.
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