1. The mystery girl talking to Rob. For a while, Ryder was IMing with an anonymous girl and lately they had started to get quite close; so close that she even knows about some of his deepest secrets, such as his dyslexia. I don't know about anybody else, but I knew something was sketchy about the situation from the start. Also, her reaction to when he approached her didn't seem quite right. She didn't appear to even know him. When it was revealed that his anonymous crush in fact wasn't the girl that the picture suggested, even though I expected it, I was alarmed. With all the crazy people nowadays I got really nervous it was some crazy fifty year-old man. But the reveal that it’s someone from the Glee Club? Color me intrigued. I have my suspicions that it is going to be somebody unexpected like Unique, but only time (and another episode or two) will tell.

2. The shooting. Even for a “very special episode,” this was pretty serious. "Glee" up and decided to play a card from the "Degrassi" deck and created an episode about a high school shooting. The shooting itself was tastefully and masterfully rendered. I’ll admit, I was nervous the whole time. Unlike "Degrassi," "Glee" showed the students performing actions from the familiar lockdown drill we’ve all done in high school a billion times before. Still, it was kind of crazy to see it come to life.

3. It was Coach Sue! Turns out, the shooting wasn't really a shooting at all. I knew "Glee" wouldn't really take it there. Also, I was wondering why they didn't mention anything about anybody getting hurt or killed during the shooting. Apparently, Sue keeps a gun in her office to protect herself and when checking it, it went off by accident and in shock she dropped it, and then it went off again. Although I had my doubts about "Glee" taking on this type of situation, I was still surprised by the turn of events. Additionally, I was shocked at how casually Sue approached the whole situation, especially her low-key reactions. In-character? Realistic? Nope.

4. Wait, no, it was Becky! Turns out, it wasn't Sue, but Becky! I'm still not one hundred percent sold on the reason Becky had for bringing the gun to school, but apparently Becky felt that the world was a scary place so she started carrying a gun around for protection. The gun went off by accident when she was handing the gun over to Coach Sue and then it dropped on the floor and went off again. Sue was totally taking the wrap for Becky. Honestly, I don’t know how to feel about Jane Lynch's character, because she does so many bad things to take down the Glee Club and hurt its members, but she’s also had more than a handful of truly touching and humane moments. Still, I don’t know what is going to happen to her if she doesn't come clean. Is this the end of Coach Sue's reign at Lima High School?