As a vegan, I wake up and get sweetgreen. Then I have a midday snack at sweetgreen. After that, I get a nice big lunch at sweetgreen. Obviously I end the day with dinner at sweetgreen. Just kidding.

10:15 a.m.: I wake up, make coffee with almond milk, and don’t draw attention to the fact that it’s not “real milk.”

10:22 a.m.: Cut up an apple and make two packets of instant oatmeal because those are two of my favorite foods. Also because they are vegan foods and they are in my house.

10:23 a.m.: Eat a couple carrots for good measure.

10:43 a.m.: Pack another apple and walk to class feeling content with my compassionate lifestyle.

11:50 a.m.: In class. Try to eat the apple quietly.

1:16 p.m.: Come home for lunch: a salad with lentils and tempeh if I have any, and more coffee 

4:06 p.m.: Go work in huntsman/coffee shop/not VP and wish I had some dark chocolate and/or sour patch kids because they are vegan. Decide to go to Starbucks.

4:28 p.m.: Contemplate going to CVS to get some, but don’t because then I’ll lose my spot ugh.

5:36 p.m.: Try to buy some food but don’t because my only options are an unripe banana or minty gum.

6:40 p.m.: Give up on studying and come home to sit in the kitchen... a sisdter asks me for the fifth time if Diet Coke is vegan. It is vegan.

6:55 p.m.: Start to think about dinner. Decide to go out to dinner with friends... I’m sure I can find something.

7:25 p.m.: Walk into chipotle and order a vegetarian bowl.

7:28 p.m.: Deal with the haters when I ask for no cheese or sour cream. Yum.

8:02 p.m.: Get some tea and get back to work.

8:03 p.m.: Working is tough. Instead, check Facebook. Someone has posted an aggressive vegan buzzfeed article on my wall. Typical. I basically invented those.

8:08 p.m.: Read it anyway.

9:07 p.m.: Eat a bowl of cereal every hour on the hour until I go to sleep.

An easy recipe for breakfast: OATS



+ any of the following:

Blueberries, Strawberries, Bananas, Raspberries, Blackberries

Pumpkin and cinnamon/nutmeg

Cranberries/raisins and almonds/hazelnuts

Maple syrup and brown sugar

Applesauce and cinnamon