1740: The University of Pennsylvania is established.

1872:  Penn moves its campus to West Philadelphia.

1876:  The first female students enroll in the Towne Scientific School (present–day School of Engineering and Applied Science.)

1879:  The first male students of color are admitted to the university.

1882:   The graduate school is created, and male and female students of all backgrounds are admitted at its inception.

1890:  Emily Lovira Gregory, of the biology department, becomes the first female faculty member.

1914:  Undergraduate schools begin officially admitting women, starting with the establishment of the School of Education.

1949:  William Fontaine, a philosophy lecturer, becomes the first fully–affiliated African-American faculty member.

1963:  William Fontaine becomes the first black tenured faculty member.

1971:  The Afro–American Studies Program was created. Its name was changed to the Africana Studies Program in 2002.

1973:  Penn Women’s Center is created.

1982:  What is now Penn’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center began.

1992:  Asian and Middle Eastern Studies department is established, which then divided into two departments in 2005.

1993:  Claire Fagin becomes the first female president of the university when she serves as Interim President for one year.

1995:  The Center for East Asian Studies was established.

1999:  President Rodin inaugurated the Center for Hispanic Excellence (now called La Casa Latina).

2000:  Makuu, the Black Cultural Center, is opened. PAACH (Pan–Asian American Community House) opens the same year.

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